Sunday, August 12, 2012

Quick Update

I spent the weekend at When Worlds Collide - a writers conference here in Calgary.

I loved it!  The panels were amazing!  Nano even held it's own, which I was a part of, and it was one of the greatest  experiences of my life - as most nano related things tend to be for me.

Unfortunately, as a result, I'm finding myself so drained that all I can do is stare at the computer screen in front of me and try to will myself to think of something to write.  And nothing is coming.

So I decided that I'm just going to give you all this quick update about an amazing conference (I got to meet Kelley Armstrong and she signed two of my books!!  Meeting favourite authors for the win!).  I absolutely can't wait until next year when I'll get to go again.  If you're able, I highly encourage you to attend a conference like this one.  So many things to learn, so little time!

Anyway, Wednesday will be my hundredth post ( read that right.  My hundredth blog post) and I'm planning something special (if by planning I mean keep thinking I should come up with something, but so far I've got nothing...).  So I promise there will be a full post then.

For now, I'm just going to wish you all a great night and happy writing!

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